Sunday Speedpaint: “Fall Back” Kitty

Since this weekend marks the end of Daylight Savings Time here in Washington, I decided to make a little cartoon-style picture for it.  The basic vignette of cat and clock is referenced from a photo I found via Google Images. I then colored/styled/messed around a bit to better fit the image to the theme.

This took about 45 minutes to complete, and my recorder worked fine capturing that.  I suspect the software I have only works up to about an hour’s worth of recording time, so I just need to be careful and watch the clock (ha, ha) whenever I use it – a surprisingly difficult thing to do in the middle of a creative process.  Windows Movie Maker, however, was even more horrid to use than usual, making me wonder if it might be time to actually buy some real video-editing software.  I don’t know if I edit videos frequently enough to justify the cost.

Anyway, here is the video of the process that made “Fall Back” Kitty: